Cartridge heaters with internal cable connection are equipped with cables with a glass fibre insulation featuring enhanced thermal resistance.
Technical description
Diameter D: 6,5 mm - 25 mm
Length L: 200 a 1000 mm
Cartridge heaters with flange are fitted at the terminal side with a threaded part for easy assembly and disassembly. Diameter D of the cartridge corresponds to thread dimension M on the flange, as indicated in the table.
Technical description
Diameter D: 6,5 mm - 25 mm
Thread dimension M on the flange: 10x1, 12x1,5, 14x1,5, 16x1,5, 20x1,5, 27x1,5
Length L: 200 a 1000 mm
Cartridge heaters with internal cable connection are equipped with cables with a glass fibre insulation featuring enhanced thermal resistance.
Technical description
Diameter D: 6,5 mm - 25 mm
Length L: 200 a 1000 mm
Right angle cartridge is fitted at the terminal side with a threaded part for easy assembly and disassembly. Diameter D of the cartridge corresponds to thread dimension M on the flange.
Technical description
Diameter D: 6,5 mm - 25 mm
Thread dimension M on the flange: 10x1, 12x1,5, 14x1,5, 16x1,5, 20x1,5, 27x1,5
Length L: 200 a 1000 mm
Cartridge heaters with internal cable connection are equipped on both sides with cables with a glass fibre insulation featuring enhanced thermal resistance.
Technical description
Diameter D: 6,5 mm - 25 mm
Length L: 200 a 1000 mm
Strojírenství | Elektro | Sport | LED systémy | Zahrada a pozemní práce | |
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Zahrada na klíč Pluhování sněhu Sečení trávy |